
Locale Lens: Dan O'Gorman

Written by Locale | Nov 7, 2023 2:00:00 PM

What’s a misconception about your position?

That once we release something my job is done! In reality, a launch is just the beginning. We need to continually drive innovation and evolve the platform, which means working closely with our clients to understand the impact the new functionality is having and come up with potential future ideas.

What's an accomplishment you're really proud of?

I’m proud of the culture we’ve collectively created at Locale. Everyone contributes towards making it a supportive, collaborative, and inclusive place to work rooted in mutual respect.

How would you spend 30 minutes of free time?

Exercise is my way to unwind, so I’d probably head out for a run or go to the gym. That or take my dog, Monty, for a walk.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I used to be a night owl, but that’s shifted over the years to become an early bird. I love getting up early and having that first cup of coffee.

What is your motto or personal mantra?

I try to stay present and be mindful, although I don’t find much time to meditate. It brings peace and gratitude to everyday moments and works as an antidote to being swept away in the busyness of life.