Locale Lens: Michael Richardson

7 March 2024

Michael Richardson Locale Lens

What’s a misconception about your position?

People often think I work for the client full time and not for Locale. Certainly a compliment, but one you have to balance against ensuring people know you’re providing a service as a consultant.

What's an accomplishment you're really proud of?

Sustaining our client Urban Partners, a voluntary business partnership, through the pandemic with minimal impact on membership and continued delivery of social value projects for the local community. It was a challenge but incredibly rewarding!

How would you spend 30 minutes of free time?

Come rain or shine, I’ll be in my garden. I am fortunate enough to have a small garden, which I treat as if it’s a botanic garden. I can often be heard extolling the life-changing magic of gardening to anyone and everyone.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Early bird all the way. I love being up before the rest of the world. I’m also often a late owl to the detriment of sleep.

What is your motto or personal mantra?

Je m’en fous. Loosely translated as ‘I don’t care,’ it’s my way to remind myself to stop always caring what people think or fretting about things beyond my control – que será, será!


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