How Locale Look enlivened building communications at 55 Bishopsgate

  • Managing Agent: MAPP
  • Site: 55 Bishopsgate
  • Portfolio Type: Commercial, Retail
  • Square Footage: 189,145 sq ft

Locale speaks to Christian Kleidon, Senior Facilities Manager for 55 Bishopsgate, on why he’s seeking to enliven communications and solidify the building's community through Locale’s content & signage solution.

55 Bishopsgate has implemented cutting-edge management and engagement technology with the Locale app and portal and has taken this one step further by utilising Locale's custom content which is strategically placed via digital signage.

Here, we speak to Christian Kleidon, Facilities Manager at 55 Bishopsgate, on his decision to pursue content management via digital signage for his building, and how he believes it will not only enliven the space but encourage social connections and community.


About 55 Bishopsgate

Based in a core area within the city of London, 55 Bishopsgate is a multi-let, mixed-use building offering high-quality space for their office and retail occupiers that include Boots, Pret A Manger, Seven Investment Management, and Hampshire Trust Bank.

Featuring a number of amenities such as charging stations for electric bikes and scooters, shower and changing areas, and towel service, 55 Bishopsgate is an attractive space that focuses on creating an exciting workplace for its occupiers.


The Challenge

As a building with much to offer and announce, 55 Bishopsgate found the reception area was consistently covered in notices that covered guidelines, services, and events. Eventually, an art easel was used to place all highlighted info in one place to maintain a clean and sleek space.

The team quickly found that many occupiers were stopping to look at the information and that it was igniting conversation. To elevate the space further, Christian decided to digitise the information to enhance an already modern commercial space with an engaging display of information.

“Since opening up our doors again, we wanted to enliven the reception area with content that would spark conversation and drive socialisation amongst the occupiers. Simply putting up the information has proven that, ultimately, we still enjoy being around and talking to others.”

Christian Kleidon, Senior Facilities Manager
55 Bishopsgate

The Locale Outcome

When seeking a digital display, Christian wanted to ensure they could find one that had the capability to integrate with the existing Locale system, and after approaching the Locale team with this challenge, it was clear that the perfect solution was right in front of them - Locale. Rather than simply offering a display, the Locale service simultaneously delivers impactful visual communications through the creation of targeted, bespoke, and relevant content.

“We quickly found that Locale not only provided the signage but could create custom content specific to 55 Bishopsgate, capturing the attention of the 1500 people who move through our site every day.”

Christian Kleidon, Senior Facilities Manager
55 Bishopsgate

Usage Highlight

Working with Locale, 55 Bishopsgate has been able to showcase a blend of content that is updated regularly. This includes basic announcements, health and safety notices, advertising the building’s facilities, as well as pushing important initiatives such as the Bishopsgate environmental agenda and highlighting waste and recycling figures, cycle to work schemes, and advice on keeping green.

Locale has also been instrumental in driving business to site retailers by promoting offers and discounts exclusive to occupiers of 55 Bishopsgate, further solidifying a building community.


“We want our building staff to get involved with our occupiers as much as possible, and having Locale installed means our reception area can build stronger relationships with our occupiers and provide them this avenue to become more engaged with their place of work and potentially build social connections.”

Christian Kleidon, Senior Facilities Manager
55 Bishopsgate

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Future Plans

With Locale now up and running, 55 Bishopsgate are keen to involve the occupiers in the content that’s delivered on the signage. Occupiers may have spare office space, are running a charity event, or are keen to raise awareness on an initiative. Locale has the capability to create impactful visual communications that support a range of content ideas.